creative strategist lead

Hi, I'm Ana, a creative lead with a background in copywriting and art-based research. Over the past 10 years, I have developed campaigns for brands like Ford, Coca-Cola, and KitKat, co-founded a small creative consultancy, and an experimental architecture studio. I've also run a weekly newsletter (a love letter to Wikipedia), researched the end of the world on top of a mountain in Switzerland, and my work as an artist has been exhibited in Brazil and abroad. Additionally, I'm a proud certified electrician, in case you need one. After reading too many Sherlock Holmes books as a child, I grew passionate about problem-solving, and I believe that creative hands-on work is an awesome tool for that.

You can find me here:
+55 11 98086 9899

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2018 onwards

120 x 73,5 x 68,5 cm
Tools and machines help humans solve problems. We create them with specific tasks in mind, be it to pierce a nail on the wall or make a plane stable during a flight. They have what we humans do not: they're already born with pre-setted purpose.

But what happens when you take the focus out of the outcome? What does the machine became and what can it teach us about our own complex relationship with the idea of living-by-the-project?

The objects, tools and machines displayed on this page are part of an ongoing investigation around the poetic immanet force of things originally crafted to be (only) useful.  

With this practice, I was:
︎ SELECTED for Programa de Exposições MARP (2022)
︎ SELECTED for Salão de Arte de Vinhedo SAV (2022)
︎ SELECTED for Bienal Oswaldo Goeldi (2022)
︎ SELECTED for Salão de Arte Contemporânea Luiz Sacilloto (2022)
︎ ARTIST IN RESIDENCY at AMRAA (Barcelona/Spain)
︎ ARTIST IN RESIDENCY at AoH (Wald/Switzerland)

Flauta (Klangfarbenmelodie)

Tubo de vidro borosilicato alemão com 52 furos, 52 potes de 2ml contendo amostras orgânicas e inorgânicas coletadas em Alto Paraíso/GO, argolas de aço inoxidável

160 x 6 x 6 cm
Coleção Lila Loula

S-I (Balanço)

Cedro, canetinha hidrográfica, peça de aço cromado em U, porcas, quadrante de aço cromado, parafusos inox, acrílico

31 x 14 x 34,5 cm
Coleção Antônio Furtado

AM Stretcher

Cúpula de acrílico cristal 4mm, caixa de papelão, pastel seco, botão L/D, condutores, organizador de cabos amarelo, fita isolante, solda, pilha A23, suporte para pilha A23, lacre de segurança, cabo de madeira, motor vibratório 3V, suportede acrílico para luz neon, parafuso de aço inoxidável, porca de aço inoxidável, placa de patrimônio em aço inoxidável

19 x 24 x 12,5 cm

F-001 (Delfim)
2018 - 2021

Tecido blackout, areia, silvertabe, tubo termo-retrátil, rebite de alumínio, acrílico, torneira de plástico, Gaffer Tape, rodízio, barra de grafite

24 x 81 x 81
Coleção Rubens Espírito Santo

F-005 (carrinho)
2019 - 2022

Carrinho de controle remoto, controle remoto, pilha AA, fita isolante, fita de tecido, lapiseira, caneta hidrográfica, lápis colorido vermelho, lápis B6

16,5 x 17 x 37 cm


Sachê de sílica da Gucci, acrílico, motor de microondas, malha navar, botoeira 22mm, chave de acrílico azul, conectores, condutor 0,5mm, plug tomada, fio termo retrátil

20 x 17 x 7 cm
Coleção Adriana Scott
A special display for Gucci's tiniest bag.

F-003 (BIC com lupa)

Lupa, caneta BIC, fita


6,5x 14,5 x 15 cm

F-004 (Espelhinho retrátil)

Espelho de inspeção retrátil, fita isolante, barra de grafite

2 x 5,5 x 73,5 cm

F-002 (Brocha e rodízio)

Cano PVC, silvertape, parafuso, brocha, fit de auto-fusão, rodízio, linha para varal

7,5 x 47,5 x 47,5 cm